Odile: Black Swan or Black Cat

DSC00951_2The Cat Woman, as all cat burglars should do, shunned cameras. Photos were banned during the performance, and she constantly turned her head away from the cameras afterwards. How is one going to gain notoriety when you do not even have a good picture for your Wanted poster?

She might have to resort to alter ego: the Black Swan. Ballerinas love the spotlight and the centre stage. Odile in this role held poses for a long time at Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School in Tokyo. Even with an iPhone beautiful photos were possible.

Maybe we all need an alter ego.






6 thoughts on “Odile: Black Swan or Black Cat

  1. It is just a tiny cropped section of a larger photo in the earlier burlesque post. That and major blurring of the background. It really is not a good photo. Way too grainy. Just looks good when it is thumbnail size. 😉


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